FINAL Transnational Project Meeting Pforzheim, Germany
English for senior, practicing English with Montessori Method
Project number2020-1-IT02-KA204-079745
26 – 28 Oct 2022
English for senior, practicing English with Montessori Method
▪️The meeting started with the welcome meeting, by the German partner Institution – vhs Pforzheim-Enzkreis, with subsequent presentation of the training activities for adults in the training and implementation center of the Enforse project.
▪️ Europe for the coordinating body of the project illustrated the final situation of the project; and the final documentation for the didactic part of the project; and the final documentation for the financial reporting of the project.
▪️ Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji Partaner Polish, illustrated in detail the guideline projects made for Enforse.
▪️ Osmaniye İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, the Turkish partner documented and explained the evaluation of the Enforse project
▪️ Learnmera Oy presented the website in every part and highlighted that everything was complete
▪️ Apdi group partir explained the Collection Impact Plan, explained the documentation to be filled in, sent the form
▪️ EnForSe Corner receives visits from the seniors who take part in the online and face-to-face meetings who attended the meeting and shared their ideas and experiences.
▪️The partners then made an official visit to the partner institution, Institution – vhs Pforzheim-Enzkreis
▪️The next date for an online meeting to review all data received from the coordinator and prepare the final reports
▪️After the TPM assessment, the meeting concluded with the certification ceremony. ”
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