
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

TPM – in Milano Erasmus+ Project: Agents for Inclusion

TPM – in Milano Erasmus+ Project: Agents for Inclusion

Agent of inclusion

Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development – Agents for Inclusion

Project number 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028385
25-27 May 2023

Recap and Follow-Up of Project Results 1 & 2

During our recent transnational project meeting in Milan, we conducted an in-depth review and evaluation of the progress made on Project Results 1 and 2 within the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development” initiative (Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028385).

Project Result 1: Needs Assessment and Training Framework

Our first major milestone focused on identifying the specific needs of our target groups—women, immigrants, and long-term unemployed adults—in terms of skills and competencies required for social project management. This phase included comprehensive surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions across participating countries.

The findings revealed key areas where additional support and training are necessary, such as project planning, resource management, and community engagement. Based on this data, we developed a tailored training framework designed to address these needs effectively. The framework outlines a series of modules and learning outcomes that will equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to initiate and manage impactful social projects.

Project Result 2: Development of Training Materials and Resources

Building on the insights gained from the needs assessment, the second project result focused on the creation of high-quality training materials and resources. These materials were designed to be engaging, accessible, and relevant to our diverse audience.

Our collaborative efforts resulted in a comprehensive suite of training tools, including:

Detailed training manuals covering each module of the training framework.
Interactive e-learning modules and webinars to provide flexible learning options.
Case studies and best practice examples to illustrate successful social projects.
Assessment tools to help participants track their progress and identify areas for improvement.
These resources were developed in multiple languages to ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all participants. Additionally, they were designed with a strong emphasis on practical application, allowing participants to immediately apply what they have learned to real-world social projects.


Presentation and Discussion on Project Result 3

During our recent transnational project meeting in Milan, we dedicated a session to the presentation and discussion of Project Result 3 within the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development” initiative (Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028385).

Project Result 3: Implementation and Pilot Testing of Training Program

Project Result 3 represents a critical phase where we transition from the development to the practical application of our training framework and materials. The primary objective of this phase is to pilot test the training program with our target groups—women, immigrants, and long-term unemployed adults—to refine and validate our approach



Next Steps on the Project and Planning of the Activities

In the concluding session of our transnational project meeting in Milan, we outlined the forthcoming steps and detailed the planning of activities to ensure the successful continuation and completion of the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development” initiative (Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028385).

Upcoming Activities

  1. Expansion of Pilot Training Sessions
  2. Refinement of Training Materials
  3. Evaluation and Impact Assessment

.Social Media and Dissemination

  1. Enhanced Social Media Strategy
  2. Content Creation and Sharing
  3. Dissemination Events

Final Discussion, Evaluation of the Meeting, Greetings & Certification

As our transnational project meeting in Milan came to a close, we dedicated time to a thorough final discussion and evaluation of the proceedings. This session was crucial for ensuring that we captured all insights and feedback, celebrated our achievements, and set the stage for the next phases of the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development” initiative (Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028385).

Final Discussion

  1. Review of Meeting Objectives
    • We began with a review of the meeting’s objectives to ensure that all planned topics were thoroughly covered. This included discussions on Project Result 3, next steps, and the strategy for social media and dissemination.
    • Participants shared their perspectives on the progress made and highlighted key takeaways from each session.

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