
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

June 13, 2024
“Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development

  As part of our commitment to the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development” initiative,[…]

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Cofirmed training courses

Professional Training Courses Confirmed under ERASMUS+! Course: “Preventing Burnout Syndrome” Location: Milan Dates: 05/07/2023 to 16/07/2023 Course: “ICT and Social[…]

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Erasmus+ Project: Agents for Inclusion

ERASMUS plus KA2 Agent of inclusion Social Projects[…]

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Transnational Project Meeting -ENFORSE English for senior, practicing English with Montessori Method

ERASMUS plus KA2 FINAL Transnational Project Meeting Pforzheim, Germany ENFORSE English for senior, practicing English with Montessori Method Project number2020-1-IT02-KA204-079745[…]

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