
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Integration for immigrant children into schools in Europe

Project Info
Course center Provider: Europe for all
PIC: 948745070 OID: E10049367

Locations: Milano Italy; Cork Ireland;
Category: Teaching Method


The integration of immigrant populations, within the society, is a growing concern for European policy makers. There are many countries trying to tackle the problem of integration of immigrant groups and their children, residing in the territory for several reasons. This course is oriented to all those who want to learn the suitable methodology to integrate children in a school system, quickly, without creating trauma to children and parents.



In the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme, we are going to develop our courses based in both formal and informal education methodologies. We’ll start with an introduction of the new methodology and also with a theoretical approach. In order to stimulate the active participation of participants we will use dynamic activities, like:

  • Study cases;
  • Discussions in the classroom with directors of private institutes;
  • Role-plays;
  • Guidelines,
  • Technical visits;

Coursework will contain a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. They will practice the necessary skills in order to be able to effectively use their own knowledge learned with their own students.



  • Learn how to integrate immigrant children into the new school system
  • Deepening the right to education and support measures which specifically target immigrant pupils
  • Study on European legislation on the right to education of immigrant children
  • Monitoring student’s emotional expressions and responsiveness;
  • How to develop Social Skills in your students;
  • Know some integration model


Day 1:

-Welcome Meeting.
-Rules applicable in Italy, information about Milano and general information about the Programme. -Managing partecipant’s expectations about the program.
-Social activities

Day 2:

-Welcome time, needs analysis.
-Presentation of the program.
– General information about the course.
-Bibliographic and study material indications, question time- expert in the field of immigrants who will explain the various bureaucratic and personal passages, to which migrants are subjected.

Day 3 :

-Lesson with a psychologist who will explain how to behave with a child just arrived in our country. ;

Day 4 :

– how to deal with the problem of language barrier?
-Lesson with a cultural mediator.

Day 5 :
Lesson with a social worker who will explain how to create a social inclusion with immigrant children and their family.
-Discussion and question time;

Day 6 :

-Measures for the integration of immigrant children at school.
– Approach and guidance measures. Measures school support, types of support.
– Reflection on culture of immigrant pupils.

Day 7 :

– to prepare a teaching plan focused on the school integration of migrant children
Lesson with teacher of support:
– the problems with migrant children and the ways to solve them,
-their didactic plan created for migrant children.
– Certificate Ceremony



from 21/01/2024 to 27/01/2024
from 07/04/2024 to 13/04/2024
from 09/06/2024 to 15/06/2024
from 14/07/2024 to 20/07/2024
from 29/09/2024 to 05/10/2024
from 01/12/2024 to 07/12/2024


from 19/01/2025 to 25/01/2025
from 13/04/2025 to 19/04/2025
from 13/07/2025 to 19/07/2025
from 07/12/2025 to 13/12/2025

The dates may be changed by according the needs of the participants .

We can also provide at accomodation, airport services etc.

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