
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Erasmus plus adult education
Confirmed Erasmus plus training courses

Course Title Date State of the session Join us HOW CROSS CURRICULA EDUCATIONAL APPROACH CAN BE THE WAY FOR A SUCCESSFUL LONGLIFE LEARNING 07/04/2024 13/04/2024 Completed The Erasmus+ course has been completed! Check out the highlights of our journey [🔗 here]. 🚀 HOW TO DEAL AND PREVENT[...]

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Dissemitation of our activities

In occasione della giornata dedicata all’Erasmus plus, giorni fa , siamo stati inviatati da da molte istituzioni Europee per parlare della nostra attività. E’ stato un momento molto intenso, con tante domande, riflessioni , scambi di idee, e disseminazione delle buone cose che con la mobilità si sono[…]

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From Latvia with Erasmu plus

From Latvia with #Erasmusplus, a group of teachers spent a week with us in Milano for their mobility project Topic of the mobility was to observe the Adult educatios monitoring methods the Erasmus+ key action 1 learning mobility of individuals for school education , Vet staff (KA121-VET and[…]

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