
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

  • Organisation internship
    Europe For All organizes educational internships for students, workers and teachers from all over Europe. The association Europe for all can organize a wide range of trainings according to the preferences of the participants
  • Organisation job shadowing for teachers and staff
    Europe for all in the projets Erasmus plus (KA121-SCH and KA122-SCH), adult education staff (KA121-ADU and KA122-ADU), Vet staff (KA121-VET and KA122-VET) and higher education staff (KA131-HED). , and others offers provides a period of job shadowing ; an opportunity for teachers, school leaders or other school staff to spend a period in Italy in a school
  • Organisation strategic partnerships
    Europe For All chose well-known qualified companies according to the participant’s profile and the project’s objective
  • Organisation Italian language course
    Based in the centre of Milan, Europe for all’s organizational structure offers a wide variety of Italian language and culture courses for foreigners. Since its establishment, the organization has hosted over 3,000 international students from 35 countries in Europe and around the world.

For any question or clarification… We are available

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Internship Italy

Europe For All, as hosting organization, is able to manage work placements and vocational training for citizens from all over the world, especially for students, workers and teachers, in the frame of mobility projects. Europe For All has an extended experience in searching and in the choice of the company that is best adapted to the curriculum, work experiences and language level of the participants.

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The mission of Europe for all is to provide our participants with all the means needed to build their professional future by giving them the opportunity to have a practical experience abroad and to improve their language skills. For this purpose, we manage different programmes co-financed by the European Union, we also work with schools, public institutions and organizations interested in developing new projects aimed at young generations.

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Training courses

Europe for all organisation, by at its experience for develop a lot of training courses, in all sectors, like tourism, foreign languages ,has developed a range of training courses ,which are adapted to the new programme of Erasmus+.

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EUROPE FOR ALL was founded in 2010 to promote educational and training programmes, both at European and International level, aiming to develop skills, human resources and improving the labour market. The main purpose of the association is to stimulate an exchange between the different European cultures, an exchange that encourages the professional and personal growth of each European individual. EUROPE FOR ALL promotes different vocational education projects internationally, covering various duties as an intermediary/hosting organisation for learners & staff from Vocational Education & Training (VET) providers.

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Europe For All

Some numbers

Years of experience
Our staffs in Europe
Completed Projects

What our participants say about us

Hi, thank you, our participants teachers are very satisfied with the program (thank you very much also to their tutor Sofia!!!). Preparing the final report of this project I saw the summary of their reports and there are 100% positive answers in the most essential questions. …thank you again


Los proyectos Erasmus + son una experiencia de vida, una oportunidad de madurez y crecimiento personal y profesional para los jóvenes que quieren aprender. Gracias Europe for all


Thank you very much about your hospitality…

Inga Pride

Hi, thank you, our participants teachers are very satisfied with the program (thank you very much also to their tutor Sofia!!!). Preparing the final report of this project I saw the summary of their reports and there are 100% positive answers in the most essential questions. …thank you again


Los proyectos Erasmus + son una experiencia de vida, una oportunidad de madurez y crecimiento personal y profesional para los jóvenes que quieren aprender. Gracias Europe for all


Latest News

“Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training for Fair and Sustainable Development

  As part of our commitment to the “Agents for Inclusion: Social Projects Training[…]

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Confirmed Erasmus plus training courses

Course Title Date State of the session Join us HOW CROSS CURRICULA EDUCATIONAL APPROACH[...]

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Request information

Contact us

Call us or send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

  • Address : Via Luigi Canonica 67 - 20154 Milano (MI) Italy
    • Phone : +39 329 7928160
    • Phone : +39 347 7851073
    • Email :

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